they are not simultaneous, then the game can ensure that the total number of bid tricks does not equal the number of cards dealt. Uneven Bids: If bids are made sequentially, i.e. Simultaneous Bidding: The game can emulate this as knowing what other players have bid is a distinct advantage
Oh Hell has been around for a while and has many variations, those implemented in this variation are:* Zero Contract Option: A player bidding to take zero tricks and achieving this scores five points plus one point for each card in their hand The number of hands in a game varies with the number of players, the first deal starts wit one card per player, the second two and so on, the game stops when there aren't enough cards to go round. Play continues for a specified number of hands rather than until a player achieves a specified number of points. Players score for making exactly the number of tricks they bid in which case they score one point per trick and a ten point bonus. Three is the minimum number of players needed for a game and the computer will play as any number of players to make a game possible.īriefly Oh Hell is a trick taking game in which players bid or nominate how many tricks they will make. Tommy's Oh Hell is a shareware card game for one to seven players.